FIT - TDC welcomes delegation from PSU, Philippines
Thu Duc College of Technology welcomed delegation from Pangasinan State University, Philippines for a meeting with the Faculty of Information Technology, TDC on November 19, 2018.
On November 19th, 2018, The delegation from Pangasinan State University, Philippines (PSU) had a visit to Thu Duc College of Technology (TDC) for a meeting with the Faculty of Information Technology, TDC.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Ly, president of TDC, had a welcome speech at the opening of the meeting. It is TDC's honor to welcome the delegation of PSU in order to share experience, as well as learn from each other. Moreover, this first meeting of two schools will set a solid foundation and open further collaboration of TDC and PSU in the future.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Ly, President of TDC welcomes PSU delegation
Engr. Rodel P. Hacla - Head of PSU delegation
TDC and PSU are two schools sharing some similarities in education, especially in the area of Information Technology. Both schools are in particular stages of CDIO adoption. FIT - TDC has two programs adopted CDIO frameworks and has been teaching these CDIO-adopted programs since 2016. During the process of CDIO adoption, FIT - TDC do encounter some difficulties and have experiences working on the process. This is a great opportunity for FIT - TDC to share and learn from PSU.
The meeting started with 2 performances by FIT - TDC students. This is also a welcoming present for PSU delegation.
The meeting was divided into two working sections. The morning session is the presentation from two schools to get to know about each other, in terms of overview and researches of two schools. On the side of FIT - TDC, Ms. Bui Thanh Yen Thao, Lecturer of FIT - TDC, deliver the presentation of FIT - TDC's overview, profile, researches, and CDIO adoption process.
On the side of PSU, the presentation was hosted by Mr. Bobby Roaring
Four lectures - researchers from PSU presented their researches, including:
- Design and Development of an Information Technology Fundamentals Multimedia Courseware for Dynamic Learning Environment, presented by Ms. Christine Lourrine S. Tablatin
- Developing a Homegrown Course Management System for Pangasinan State University, presented by Mrs. Kristen Bhing V. Salvio
- Development of Online Compendium for Pangasinan State University, presented by Mr. Paul Andrew V. Roa
- Pattern Recognition of Suicidal Ideation, presented by Mr. Andhee M. Jacobe
After the morning session, both schools had a warm and friendly lunch at TDC's canteen and this was a great time to make new friends.
The afternoon session is the discussion of PSU and FIT - TDC. This session was hosted by Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Lecturer of FIT - TDC.
During the discussion, both schools shared about experiences of CDIO adoption. A lot of questions were raised, interestingly surprising answers were given and it made the atmosphere of the meeting become more exciting.
The afternoon session was ended by a school-tour around TDC. Both schools had precious moments and photos together.
At the end of the meeting, PSU and FIT - TDC members exchanged the school badges and taking a meaningful photo with new badges from new friends.
From the first meeting, PSU and TDC hope that the relationship between two schools will keep on growing for further collaboration in the future. All is for the development of PSU and TDC, as well as the development of two countries - Philippines and Vietnam.
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